2.5 Theoretical Approximations of the Sampling Distribution

Because bootstrapping and exact approaches to the sampling distribution require quite a lot of computing power, these methods were not practical in the not so very distant pre-computer age. In those days, mathematicians and statisticians discovered that many sampling distributions look a lot like known mathematical functions. For example, the sampling distribution of the sample mean can be quite similar to the well-known bell-shape of the normal distribution or the closely related (Student) t distribution. The mathematical functions are called theoretical probability distributions. Most statistical tests use a theoretical probability distribution as approximation of the sampling distribution.

Figure 2.8: Normal curve as theoretical approximation of a sampling distribution.

The normal distribution is a mathematical function linking continuous scores, e.g., a sample statistic such as the average weight in the sample, to right-hand and left-hand probabilities, that is, to the probability of finding at least, or at most, this score. Such a function is called a probability density function (Section 1.3).

We like to use a theoretical probability distribution as an approximation of the sampling distribution because it is convenient. A computer can calculate probabilities from the mathematical function very quickly. We also like theoretical probability distributions because they usually offer plausible arguments about chance and probabilities.

2.5.1 Reasons for a bell-shaped probability distribution

The bell shape of the normal distribution makes sense. Our sample of candies is just as likely to be too heavy, as it is too light, so the sampling distribution of the sample mean should be symmetrical. A normal distribution is symmetrical.

In addition, it is more likely that our sample bag has an average weight that is near the true average candy weight in the population than an average weight that is much larger or much smaller than the true average. Bags with on average extremely heavy or extremely light candies may occur, but they are extremely rare (we are very lucky or very unlucky). From these intuitions we would expect a bell shape for the sampling distribution.

From this argumentation, we conclude that the normal distribution is a reasonable model for the probability distribution of sample means. Actually, it has been proven that the normal distribution exactly represents the sampling distribution in particular cases, for instance the sampling distribution of the mean of a very large sample.

2.5.2 Conditions for the use of theoretical probability distributions

Theoretical probability distributions, then, are plausible models for sampling distributions. They are known or likely to have the same shape as the true sampling distributions under particular circumstances or conditions.

If we use a theoretical probability distribution, we must assume that the conditions for its use are met. We have to check the conditions and decide whether they are close enough to the ideal conditions. Close enough is of course a matter of judgement. In practice, rules of thumb have been developed to decide if the theoretical probability distribution can be used.

Figure 2.9 shows an example in which the normal distribution is a good approximation for the sampling distribution of a proportion in some situations, but not in all situations.

Figure 2.9: How does the shape of the sampling distribution of sample proportions change with sample size and proportion value?

Do theoretical probability distributions fit the true sampling distribution? As you may have noticed while playing with Figure 2.9, this is not always the case. In general, theoretical probability distributions fit sampling distributions better if the sample is larger. In addition, the population value may be relevant to the fit of the theoretical probability distribution. The sampling distribution of a sample proportion is more symmetrical, like the normal distribution, if the proportion in the population is closer to .5.

This illustrates that we often have several conditions for a theoretical probability distribution to fit the sampling distribution. We should evaluate all of them at the same time. In the example of proportions, a large sample is less important if the true proportion is closer to .5 but it is more important for true proportions that are more distant from .5.

The rule of thumb for using the normal distribution as the sampling distribution of a sample proportion combines the two aspects by multiplying them and requiring the resulting product to be larger than five. If the probability of drawing a yellow candy is .2 and our sample size is 30, the product is .2 * 30 = 6, which is larger than five. So we may use the normal distribution as approximation of the sampling distribution.

Note that this rule of thumb uses one minus the probability, if the probability is larger than .5. In other words, it uses the smaller of two probabilities: the probability that an observation has the characteristic and the probability that it has not. For example, if we want to test the probability of drawing a candy that is not yellow, the probability is .8 and we use 1 - 0.8 = 0.2, which is then multiplied by the sample size.

Apart from the normal distribution, there are several other theoretical probability distributions. We have the binomial distribution for a proportion, the t distribution for one or two sample means, regression coefficients, and correlation coefficients, the F distribution for comparison of variances and comparing means for three or more groups (analysis of variance, ANOVA), and the chi-squared distribution for frequency tables and contingency tables.

For most of these theoretical probability distributions, sample size is important. The larger the sample, the better. There are additional conditions that must be satisfied such as the distribution of the variable in the population. The rules of thumb are summarized in Table 2.2. Bootstrapping and exact tests can be used if conditions for theoretical probability distributions have not been met. Special conditions apply to regression analysis (see Chapter 8, Section 8.1.4).

Table 2.2: Rules of thumb for using theoretical probability distributions.
Distribution Sample statistic Minimum sample size Other requirements
Binomial distribution proportion
(Standard) normal distribution proportion times test proportion (<= .5) >= 5
(Standard) normal distribution one or two means > 100 OR variable is normally distributed in the population and population standard deviation is known (for each group)
t distribution one or two means each group > 30 OR variable is normally distributed in each group’s population
t distribution (Pearson) correlation coefficient
variables are normally distributed in the population
t distribution (Spearman) rank correlation coefficient > 30
t distribution regression coefficient 20+ per independent variable See Chapter 8.
F distribution 3+ means all groups are more or less of equal size OR all groups have the same population variance
F distribution two variances
no conditions for Levene’s F test
chi-squared distribution row or cell frequencies expected frequency >= 1 and 80% >= 5 contingency table: 3+ rows or 3+ columns

2.5.3 Checking conditions

Rules of thumb about sample size are easy to check once we have collected our sample. By contrast, rules of thumb that concern the scores in the population cannot be easily checked, because we do not have information on the population. If we already know what we want to know about the population, why would we draw a sample and do the research in the first place?

We can only use the data in our sample to make an educated guess about the distribution of a variable in the population. For example, if the scores in our sample are clearly normally distributed, it is plausible that the scores in the population are normally distributed.

In this situation, we do not know that the population distribution is normal but we assume it is. If the sample distribution is clearly not normally distributed, we had better not assume that the population is normally distributed. In short, we sometimes have to make assumptions when we decide on using a theoretical probability distribution.

We could use a histogram of the scores in our sample with a normal distribution curve added to evaluate whether a normal distribution applies. Sometimes, we have statistical tests to draw inferences about the population from a sample that we can use to check the conditions. We discuss these tests in a later chapter.

2.5.4 More complicated sample statistics: differences

Up to this point, we have focused on rather simple sample statistics such as the proportion of yellow candies or the average weight of candies in a sample. Table 2.2, however, contains more complicated sample statistics.

If we compare two groups, for instance, the average weight of yellow and red candies, the sample statistic for which we want to have a sampling distribution must take into account both the average weight of yellow candies and the average weight of red candies. The sample statistic that we are interested in is the difference between the averages of the two samples.

Figure 2.10: How do we obtain a sampling distribution for the mean difference of two independent samples?

If we draw a sample from both the red and yellow candies in the population, we may calculate the means for both samples and the difference between the two means. For example, the average weight of red candies in the sample bag is 2.76 grams and the average for yellow candies is 2.82 grams. For this pair of samples, the statistic of interest is 2.76 - 2.82 = -0.06, that is, the difference in average weight. If we repeat this many, many times and collect all differences between means in a distribution, we obtain the sampling distribution that we need.

The sampling distribution of the difference between two means is similar to a t-distribution, so we may use the latter to approximate the former. Of course, the conditions for using the t-distribution must be met.

It is important to note that we do not create separate sampling distributions for the average weight of yellow candies and for the average weight of red candies and then look at the difference between the two sampling distributions. Instead, we create one sampling distribution for the statistic of interest, namely the difference between means. We cannot combine different sampling distributions into a new sampling distribution. We will see the importance of this when we discuss mediation (Chapter 11).

2.5.5 Independent samples

If we compare two means, there are two fundamentally different situations that are sometimes difficult to distinguish. When comparing the average weight of yellow candies to the average weight of red candies, we are comparing two samples that are statistically independent (see Figure 2.10), which means that we could have drawn the samples separately.

In principle, we could distinguish between a population of yellow candies and a population of red candies, and sample yellow candies from the first population and separately sample red candies from the other population. Whether we sampled the colours separately or not does not matter. The fact that we could have done so implies that the sample of red candies is not affected by the sample of yellow candies or the other way around. The samples are statistically independent.

This is important for the way in which probabilities are calculated. Just think of the simple example of flipping two coins. The probability of having heads twice in a row is .5 times .5, that is .25, if the coins are fair and the result of the second coin does not depend on the result of the first coin. The second flip is not affected by the first flip.

Imagine that a magnetic field is activated if the first coin lands with heads up and that this magnetic field increases the odds that the second coin will also be heads. Now, the second toss is not independent of the first toss and the probability of getting heads twice is larger than .25.

2.5.6 Dependent samples

The example of a manipulated second toss is applicable to repeated measurements. If we want to know how quickly the yellow colour fades when yellow candies are exposed to sun light, we may draw a sample of yellow candies once and measure the colourfulness of each candy at least twice: at the start and end of some time interval. We compare the colourfulness of a candy at the second measurement to its colourfulness at the first measurement.

Figure 2.11: Dependent samples.

In this example, we are comparing two means, just like the yellow versus red candy weight example, but now the samples for both measurements are the same. It is impossible to draw the sample for the second measurement independently from the sample for the first measurement if we want to compare repeated measurements. Here, the second sample is fixed once we have drawn the first sample. The samples are statistically dependent; they are paired samples.

With dependent samples, probabilities have to be calculated in a different way, so we need a special sampling distribution. In the interactive content above, you may have noticed a relatively simple solution for two repeated measurements. We just calculate the difference between the two measurements for each candy in the sample and use the mean of this new difference variable as the sample statistic that we are interested in. The t-distribution, again, offers a good approximation of the sampling distribution of dependent samples if the samples are not too small.

For other applications, the actual sampling distributions can become quite complicated but we do not have to worry about that. If we choose the right technique, our statistical software will take care of this.