2.1 The Bootstrap Approximation of the Sampling Distribution
The first way to obtain a sampling distribution is still based on the idea of drawing a large number of samples. However, we only draw one sample from the population for which we collect data. As a next step, we draw a large number of samples from our initial sample. The samples drawn in the second step are called bootstrap samples. The technique was developed by Bradley Efron (1979; 1987). For each bootstrap sample, we calculate the sample statistic of interest and we collect these as our sampling distribution. We usually want about 5,000 bootstrap samples for our sampling distribution.
In Figure 2.1, an initial sample (left panel) has been drawn from a population containing five candy colours in equal proportions.
The bootstrap concept refers to the story in which Baron von Münchhausen saves himself by pulling himself and his horse by his bootstraps (or hair) out of a swamp. In a similar miraculous way, bootstrap samples resemble the sampling distribution even though they are drawn from a sample instead of the population. This miracle requires some explanation and it does not work always, as we will discuss in the remainder of this section.
Picture: Baron von Münchhausen pulls himself and his horse out of a swamp. Theodor Hosemann (1807-1875), public domain, via Wikimedia Commons2.1.1 Sampling with and without replacement
As we will see in Chapter 3, for example Section 3.3, the size of a sample is very important to the shape of the sampling distribution. The sampling distribution of samples with twenty-five cases can be very different from the sampling distribution of samples with fifty cases. To construct a sampling distribution from bootstrap samples, the bootstrap samples must be exactly as large as the original sample.
How can we draw many different bootstrap samples from the original sample if each bootstrap sample must contain the same number of cases as the original sample?
If we allow every case in the original sample to be sampled only once, each bootstrap sample contains all cases of the original sample, so it is an exact copy of the original sample. Thus, we cannot create different bootstrap samples.
By the way, we often use the type of sampling described above, which is called sampling without replacement. If a person is (randomly) chosen for our sample, we do not put this person back into the population so she or he can be chosen again. We want our respondents to fill out our questionnaire only once or participate in our experiment only once.
If we do allow the same person to be chosen more than once, we sample with replacement. The same person can occur more than once in a sample. Bootstrap samples are sampled with replacement from the original sample, so one bootstrap sample may differ from another. Some cases in the original sample may not be sampled for a bootstrap sample while other cases are sampled several times. You probably have noticed this in Figure 2.2. Sampling with replacement allows us to obtain different bootstrap samples from the original sample, and still have bootstrap samples of the same size as the original sample.
In conclusion, we sample bootstrap samples in a different way (with replacement) than participants for our research (without replacement).
2.1.2 Limitations to bootstrapping
Does the bootstrapped sampling distribution always reflect the true sampling distribution?
We can create a sampling distribution by sampling from our original sample with replacement. It is hardly a miracle that we obtain different samples with different sample statistics if we sample with replacement. Much more miraculous, however, is that this bootstrap distribution resembles the true sampling distribution that we would get if we draw lots of samples directly from the population.
Does this miracle always happen? No. The original sample that we have drawn from the population must be more or less representative of the population. The variables of interest in the sample should be distributed more or less the same as in the population. If this is not the case, the sampling distribution may give a distorted view of the true sampling distribution. This is the main limitation to the bootstrap approach to sampling distributions.
A sample is more likely to be representative of the population if the sample is drawn in a truly random fashion and if the sample is large. But we can never be sure. There always is a chance that we have drawn a sample that does not reflect the population well.
2.1.3 Any sample statistic can be bootstrapped
The big advantage of the bootstrap approach (bootstrapping) is that we can get a sampling distribution for any sample statistic that we are interested in. Every statistic that we can calculate for our original sample can also be calculated for each bootstrap sample. The sampling distribution is just the collection of the sample statistics calculated for all bootstrap samples.
Bootstrapping is more or less the only way to get a sampling distribution for the sample median, for example, the median weight of candies in a sample bag. We may create sampling distributions for the wildest and weirdest sample statistics, for instance the difference between sample mean and sample median squared. I would not know why you would be interested in the squared difference of sample mean and median, but there are very interesting statistics that we can only get at through bootstrapping. A case in point is the strength of an indirect effect in a mediation model (Chapter 11).