4.10 Capitalization on Chance

The relation between null hypothesis testing and confidence intervals (Section 4.7.1) may have given the impression that we can test a range of null hypotheses using just one sample and one confidence interval. For instance, we could simultaneously test the null hypotheses that average media literacy among children is 5.5, 4.5, or 3.5. Just check if these values are inside or outside the confidence interval and we are done, right?

This impression is wrong. The probabilities that we calculate using one sample assume that we only apply one test to the data. If we test the original null hypothesis that average media literacy is 5.5, we run a risk of five per cent to reject the null hypothesis if the null hypothesis is true. The significance level is the probability of making a Type I error (Section 4.3.2).

If we apply a second test to the same sample, for example, testing the null hypothesis that average media literacy is 4.5, we again run this risk of five per cent. The probability of not rejecting a true null hypothesis is .95, so the probability of not rejecting two true null hypotheses is .95 * .95 = 0.9025. The risk of rejecting at least one true null hypothesis in two tests is 1 - 0.9025 = .0975. This risk is dramatically higher than the significance level (.05) that we want to use. The situation becomes even worse if we do three or more tests on the same sample.

The phenomenon that we are dealing with probabilities of making Type I errors that are higher (inflated Type I errors) than the significance level that we want to use, is called capitalization on chance. Applying more than one test to the same data is one way to capitalize on chance. If you do a lot of tests on the same data, you are likely to find some statistically significant results even if all null hypotheses are true.

4.10.1 Example of capitalization on chance

This type of capitalization on chance may occur, for example, if we want to compare average media literacy among three groups: second, fourth, and sixth grade students. We can use a t test to test if average media literacy among fourth grade students is higher than among second grade students. We need a second t test to compare average media literacy of sixth grade students to second grade students, and a third one to compare sixth to fourth grade students.

If we execute three tests, the probability of rejecting at least one true null hypothesis of no difference is much higher than five per cent if we use a significance level of five per cent for each single t test. In other words, we are more likely to obtain at least one statistically significant result than we want.

4.10.2 Correcting for capitalization on chance

We can correct in several ways for this type of capitalization on chance; one such way is the Bonferroni correction. This correction divides the significance level that we use for each test by the number of tests that we do. In our example, we do three t tests on pairs of groups, so we divide the significance level of five per cent by three. The resulting significance level for each t test is .0167. If a t test’s p value is below .0167, we reject the null hypothesis, but we do not reject it otherwise.

The Bonferroni correction is a rather coarse correction, which is not entirely accurate. However, it has a simple logic that directly links to the problem of capitalization on chance. Therefore, it is a good technique to help understand the problem, which is the main goal we want to attain, here. We will skip better, but more complicated alternatives to Bonferroni correction.

It has been argued that we do not have to apply a correction for capitalization on chance if we specify a hypothesis beforehand for each test that we execute. Formulating hypotheses does not solve the problem of capitalization on chance. The probability of rejecting at least one true null hypothesis still increases with the number of tests that we execute. If all hypotheses and associated tests are reported ((as recommended in Wasserstein & Lazar, 2016), however, the reader of the report can evaluate capitalization on chance. If one out of twenty tests at five per cent significance level turns out to be statistically significant, this is what we would expect based on chance if all null hypotheses are true. The evidence for rejecting this null hypothesis is less convincing than if only one test was applied and that test turned out to be statistically significant.

4.10.3 Specifying hypotheses afterwards

Capitalization on chance occurs if we apply different tests to the same variables in the same sample. This occurs in exploratory research in which we do not specify hypotheses beforehand but try out different independent variables or different dependent variables.

It occurs more strongly if we first have a look at our sample data and then formulate the hypothesis. Knowing the sample outcome, it is easy to specify a null hypothesis that will be rejected. This is plain cheating and it must be avoided at all times.