
Parameter estimation & hypothesis testing


University of Amsterdam

17 oct 2022

Bayes Theorem

Bayes rule

\[\large P(A\mid B) = \frac{P(B \mid A) P(A)}{P(B)}\]

NHST Table

\(H_0\) = True \(H_0\) = False
Decide to
reject \(H_0\)
Type I error
Alpha \(\alpha\)
True positive = Power
Decide not
to reject \(H_0\)
True negative
Type II error
Beta \(\beta\)

Bayes decision table

\(P(A \mid B) = \frac{P(B \mid A) P(A)}{P(B)}\)

\(P(A)\) \(P(\neg A)\)
\(\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} P(\neg B) = & P(\neg B \mid A) P(A) + \\ & P(\neg B \mid \neg A) P(\neg A) \end{aligned} \end{equation}\) \(P(\neg B \mid A)\) \(P(\neg B \mid \neg A)\)
\(\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} P(B) = & P(B \mid A) P(A) + \\ & P(B \mid \neg A) P(\neg A) \end{aligned} \end{equation}\) \(P(B \mid A)\) \(P(B \mid \neg A)\)


\(P(A)\) \(P(\neg A)\)
\(\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} P(\neg B) = & P(\neg B \mid A) P(A) + \\ & P(\neg B \mid \neg A) P(\neg A) \end{aligned} \end{equation}\) \(P(\neg B \mid A)\) \(P(\neg B \mid \neg A)\)
\(\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} P(B) = & P(B \mid A) P(A) + \\ & P(B \mid \neg A) P(\neg A) \end{aligned} \end{equation}\) \(P(B \mid A)\) \(P(B \mid \neg A)\)

Hypothesis | Data

\[\large P(H \mid D) = \frac{P(D \mid H) \times P(H)}{P(D)}\]

With legos

Posterior Likelihood Prior

\[P(H \mid D) = \frac{P(D \mid H) \times P(H)}{P(D)} = P(H) \times \frac{P(D \mid H)}{P(D)}\]

  • \(P(H)\), the \(prior\), is the initial degree of belief in \(H\).
  • \(P(H \mid D)\), the \(posterior\), is the degree of belief after incorporating news that \(D\) is true.
  • the quotient \(\frac{P(D \mid H)}{P(D)}\) represents the support \(D\) provides for \(H\).

Posterior \(\propto\) Likelihood \(\times\) Prior

Bayes is about

Posterior \(\propto\) Likelihood \(\times\) Prior

  • Quantified belief
  • Common sense expressed in numbers
  • Updating belief in light of new evidence
  • Yesterdays posteriors are todays priors

Generative model


State of the world → Data


Data → State of the world


Bayesian parameter estimation

Updating belief

Posterior \(\propto\) Likelihood \(\times\) Prior

So what is your belief

In lecture one I tossed ten times. with a coin that was supposedly healed after hamering it flat.

I arbitrarily assumed my \(H_A: \theta=.25\).

Considering all possible values of \(\theta\), what is your belief?

\([0,1] \Rightarrow \{\theta\in\Bbb R:0\le \theta\le 1\}\)

Draw your belief

Prior distribution

You have assigned a prior probability distribution to the parameter \(\theta\).

This is your prior

Now we normally do not draw our priors, but we could.


We can choose a flat prior, or a beta distributed prior with different parameter values \(a\) and \(b\).

theta = seq(0,1, .001)
plot(theta, dunif(theta),           type="l", ylab = "likelihood")
plot(theta, dbeta(theta, 3, 5),     type="l", ylab = "likelihood")
plot(theta, dbinom(25, 100, theta), type="l", ylab = "likelihood")
plot(theta, dbeta(theta, 2, 2),     type="l", ylab = "likelihood")


Choose prior

Binomial distribution

\(\theta^k (1-\theta)^{n-k} \\ \theta^{25} (1-\theta)^{100-25}\)

Now what is the data saying

My ten tosses

\(\begin{aligned} k &= 2 \\ n &= 10 \end{aligned}\)

k = 2
n = 10


What is the most likely parameter value \(\theta\) assuming the data to be true:

\(\theta = \frac{2}{10} = 0.2\) = k/n
[1] 0.2

Likelihood function

How likely is 2 out of 10 for all possible \(\theta\) values?

\(\theta^k (1-\theta)^{n-k}\)

thetas = seq(0, 1, .01)

likelihood =  dbinom(k, n, thetas)

plot(thetas, dbinom(k, n, thetas),
     main = "Likelihood function",
     ylab = "Likelihood", 
     las = 1)
abline(, lty='dashed')

Likelihood function


Now we can update our belief about the possible values of theta based on the data (the likelihood function) we found. For this we use Bayes rule.

\(\begin{aligned} {Posterior} &\propto {Likelihood} \times {Prior} \\ \theta^{27}(1-\theta)^{83} &= \theta^{2} (1-\theta)^{10-2} \times \theta^{25} (1-\theta)^{100-25} \end{aligned}\)


Theta all mighty

The true value of \(theta\) for our binomial distribution.

\(\Huge \theta = .68\)

The data driver!

Animation code

## Run multiple samples with our real theta of .68 as our driving force.
real.theta = .68

old.k = 27
old.n = 83

for(i in 1:20) {
  # Choose a random sample size between 10 and 100
  sample.size.n = sample(30:100, 1)
  # Sample number of heads based on sample size and fixed real parameter value
  number.of.heads.k = rbinom(1, sample.size.n, real.theta)
  # sample.size.n
  # number.of.heads.k
  new.k = old.k + number.of.heads.k
  new.n = old.n + sample.size.n
  plot(theta, dbinom(new.k, new.n,  theta), type="l", ylab = "likelihood", main = "Posterior")
  plot(theta, dbinom(number.of.heads.k, sample.size.n,   theta), type="l", ylab = "likelihood", main = "Likelihood")
  plot(theta, dbinom(old.k, old.n, theta), type="l", ylab = "likelihood", main = "Prior")
  old.k = new.k
  old.n = new.n


Take home message

  • Bayesians quantify uncertainty through distributions.
  • The more peaked the distribution, the lower the uncertainty.
  • Incoming information continually updates our knowledge; today’s posterior is tomorrow’s prior.

Bayesian hypothesis testing

Bayesion Hypothesis

  • \(H_0\), the null hypothesis. This is an invariance or “general law”. For instance \(\theta = 1\) (all swans are white) or \(\theta = .5\) (people cannot look into the future – performance is at chance).
  • \(H_A\) is the hypothesis that relaxes the restriction imposed by \(H_0\).

Prior Belief

\[\large \underbrace{\frac{P(H_A \mid data)}{P(H_0 \mid data)}}_\textrm{Posterior belief} = \underbrace{\frac{P(H_A)}{P(H_0)}}_\textrm{Prior belief} \times \underbrace{\frac{P(data \mid H_A)}{P(data \mid H_0)}}_\textrm{Bayes Factor}\]

Bayes Factor

\[\underbrace{\frac{P(data \mid H_A)}{P(data \mid H_0)}}_\textrm{Bayes Factor}\]

A ratio of the likelihood of the data under the alternative and the null.

A Bayes factor of \({BF}_{10} = 3\), means that the data are 3 times more likely under the alternative than under the null.

Simple BF explanation

The special case of the Bayes Factor for null hypotheses testing can be visualised as the difference between the likelihood of the data at \(H_A\) / \(H_1\) and \(H_0\) at the parameter value that represents the null.

interactive BF

A First Lesson in Bayesian Inference - Shiny App by EJ

Heuristics for BF

Heuristics for the Interpretation of the Bayes Factor by Harold Jeffreys

BF Evidence
1 – 3 Anecdotal
3 – 10 Moderate
10 – 30 Strong
30 – 100 Very strong
>100 Extreme

Advantages of the Bayes Factor

  • Provides a continuous degree of evidence without requiring an all-or-none decision.
  • Allows evidence to be monitored during data collection.
  • Differentiates between “the data support H0” (evidence for absence) and “the data are not informative” (absence of evidence).

BF pizza


A fresh way to do statistics

