F-distribution & One-way independent


University of Amsterdam

6 oct 2022


Ronald Fisher

The F-distribution, also known as Snedecor’s F distribution or the Fisher–Snedecor distribution (after Ronald Fisher and George W. Snedecor) is, in probability theory and statistics, a continuous probability distribution. The F-distribution arises frequently as the null distribution of a test statistic, most notably in the analysis of variance; see F-test.


Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher FRS (17 February 1890 – 29 July 1962), known as R.A. Fisher, was an English statistician, evolutionary biologist, mathematician, geneticist, and eugenicist. Fisher is known as one of the three principal founders of population genetics, creating a mathematical and statistical basis for biology and uniting natural selection with Mendelian genetics.


Ronald Fisher

Analysing variance

Decomposing variance example of height for males and females.

Population distribution

layout(matrix(c(2:6,1,1,7:8,1,1,9:13), 4, 4))

n  = 56    # Sample size
df = n - 1 # Degrees of freedom

mu    = 120
sigma = 15

IQ = seq(mu-45, mu+45, 1)

plot(IQ, dnorm(IQ, mean = mu, sd = sigma), type='l', col="red")

n.samples = 12

for(i in 1:n.samples) {
  hist(rnorm(n, mu, sigma), main="", cex.axis=.5, col="red")

Population distribution


\[F = \frac{{MS}_{model}}{{MS}_{error}} = \frac{{SIGNAL}}{{NOISE}}\]

So the \(F\)-statistic represents a signal to noise ratio by deviding the model variance component by the error variance component.

A samples

Let’s take two sample from our normal populatiion and calculate the F-value.

x.1 = rnorm(n, mu, sigma)
x.2 = rnorm(n, mu, sigma)

data <- data.frame(group = rep(c("s1", "s2"), each=n), score = c(x.1,x.2))
F = summary(aov(lm(score ~ group, data)))[[1]]$F[1]
[1] 1.663476

More samples

let’s take more samples and calculate the F-value every time.

n.samples = 1000

f.values = vector()

for(i in 1:n.samples) {
  x.1 = rnorm(n, mu, sigma); x.1
  x.2 = rnorm(n, mu, sigma); x.2

  data <- data.frame(group = rep(c("s1", "s2"), each=n), score = c(x.1,x.2))
  f.values[i] = summary(aov(lm(score ~ group, data)))[[1]]$F[1]


k = 2
N = 2*n

df.model = k - 1
df.error = N - k

hist(f.values, freq = FALSE, main="F-values", breaks=100)
F = seq(0, 6, .01)
lines(F, df(F,df.model, df.error), col = "red")

More samples


So if the population is normaly distributed (assumption of normality) the f-distribution represents the signal to noise ration given a certain number of samples (\({df}_{model} = k - 1\)) and sample size (\({df}_{error} = N - k\)).

The F-distibution therefore is different for different sample sizes and number of groups.



Animated F-distrigutions

One-way independent ANOVA

Compare 2 or more independent groups.


Assuming th \(H_0\) hypothesis to be true, the following should hold:

  • Continuous variable
  • Random sample
  • Normaly distributed
    • Shapiro-Wilk test
  • Equal variance within groups
    • Levene’s test

Jet lag

Wright and Czeisler (2002) performed an experiment where they measured the circadian rhythm by the daily cycle of melatonin production in 22 subjects randomly assigned to one of three light treatments.

  • Control condition (no light)
  • Knees (3 hour light to back of knees)
  • Eyes (3 hour light in eyes)
x.c = c( .53, .36,  .2,  -.37, -.6,  -.64, -.68,-1.27) # Control 
x.k = c( .73, .31,  .03, -.29, -.56, -.96,-1.61      ) # Knees
x.e = c(-.78,-.86,-1.35,-1.48,-1.52,-2.04,-2.83      ) # Eyes
x   = c( x.c, x.k, x.e )                               # Conditions combined

Variance components

Variance Sum of Squares DF Mean Squares F-ratio
Model \({SS}_{model} = \sum n_k(\bar{X}_k - \bar{X})^2\) \(k-1\) \(\frac{{SS}_{model}}{{df}_{model}}\) \(\frac{{MS}_{model}}{{MS}_{error}}\)
Error \({SS}_{error} = \sum s_k^2 (n_k - 1)\) \(N-k\) \(\frac{{SS}_{error}}{{df}_{error}}\)
Total \({SS}_{total} = {SS}_{model} + {SS}_{error}\) \(N-1\) \(\frac{{SS}_{total}}{{df}_{total}}\)

Where \(N\) is the total sample size, \(n_k\) is the sample size per category and \(k\) is the number of categories. Finally \(s_k^2\) is the variance per category.

Total variance

\[{MS}_{total} = s_x^2\]

ms.t = var(x); ms.t
[1] 0.7923732
sum( (x - mean(x))^2 ) / (length(x) - 1)
[1] 0.7923732

\[{SS}_{total} = s_x^2 (N-1)\]

N = length(x)

ss.t = var(x) * (N-1); ss.t
[1] 16.63984
sum( (x - mean(x))^2 )
[1] 16.63984

Visual \({SS}_{total}\)

# Assign labels
lab = c("Control", "Knee", "Eyes") 

# Plot all data points
     ylab="Shift in circadian rhythm (h)",
     xlab="Light treatment",
     main="Total variance")

# Add mean line

# Add delta lines / variance components
segments(1:N, mean(x), 1:N, x)

# Add labels

Visual \({SS}_{total}\)

Model variance

\[{MS}_{model} = \frac{{SS}_{model}}{{df}_{model}} \\ {df}_{model} = k - 1\]

Where \(k\) is the number of independent groups and

\[{SS}_{model} = \sum_{k} n_k (\bar{X}_k - \bar{X})^2\]

k      = 3
n.c = length(x.c)
n.k = length(x.k)
n.e = length(x.e)
ss.m.c = n.c * (mean(x.c) - mean(x))^2
ss.m.k = n.k * (mean(x.k) - mean(x))^2
ss.m.e = n.e * (mean(x.e) - mean(x))^2

ss.m = sum(ss.m.c, ss.m.k, ss.m.e); ss.m
[1] 7.224492
df.m = (k - 1)
ms.m = ss.m / df.m; ms.m
[1] 3.612246

Visual \({SS}_{model}\)

Error variance

\[{MS}_{error} = \frac{{SS}_{error}}{{df}_{error}} \\ {df}_{error} = N - k\]


\[{SS}_{error} = \sum_{k} s_k^2 (n_k - 1) = \sum_{k} \frac{\sum (x_{ik} - \bar{x}_k)^2}{(n_k - 1)} (n_k - 1)\]

ss.e.c = var(x.c) * (n.c - 1)
ss.e.k = var(x.k) * (n.k - 1)
ss.e.e = var(x.e) * (n.e - 1)
ss.e   = sum(ss.e.c, ss.e.k, ss.e.e); ss.e
[1] 9.415345

\[{MS}_{error} = \frac{{SS}_{error}}{{df}_{error}} \\ {df}_{error} = N - k\]

df.e = (N - k)
ms.e = ss.e / df.e; ms.e
[1] 0.4955445

Visual \({SS}_{error}\)

Variance components

\[{SS}_{total} = {SS}_{model} + {SS}_{error}\]

\[16.6398364 = 7.2244917 + 9.4153446\]

\[{MS}_{total} = \frac{{SS}_{total}}{{df}_{total}}= 0.7923732\]

\[{MS}_{model} = \frac{{SS}_{model}}{{df}_{model}}= 3.6122459\]

\[{MS}_{error} = \frac{{SS}_{error}}{{df}_{error}} = 0.4955445\]


\[F = \frac{{MS}_{model}}{{MS}_{error}} = \frac{{SIGNAL}}{{NOISE}}\]

F = ms.m / ms.e; F
[1] 7.289449

Reject \(H_0\)?

if(!"visualize" %in% installed.packages()) { install.packages("visualize") }

visualize.f(F, df.m,df.e,section="upper")


Planned comparisons

  • Exploring differences of theoretical interest
  • Higher precision
  • Higher power


  • Only use chunks once
  • Values add up to 0

  • AB-CDEF → A-B → CD-EF → C-D → E-F
  • A-BCDEF → A-B → A-C
  • A-BCDEG → BC-DEF → B-C → B-DEF
  • ABC-DEF → BC-DEF → B-C

Assign values that combine to one. Same values define chunk.

  • AB-CDEF → A-B → CD-EF → C-D → E-F
Contrast 1
Contrast 2
Contrast 3
Contrast 4


Unplanned comparisons

  • Exploring all possible differences
  • Adjust T value for inflated type 1 error
C 2 3
K 4 6
E 7 8

Effect size \(\eta^2\)

The amount of explained variance \(R^2\) as a general effect size measure.

\[R^2 = \frac{{SS}_{model}}{{SS}_{total}} = \eta^2\]

Taking the square root gives us Cohen’s \(r\).

Effect size \(\omega^2\)

Less biased towards just the sample is omega squared \(\omega^2\).

\[\omega^2 = \frac{{SS}_{model} - ({df}_{model}){MS}_{error}}{{SS}_{total}+{MS}_{error}}\]

But what does it say?

Effect size \(r\)

A more interpretable effect size measure is \(r_{Contrast}\). Which gives the effect size for a specific contrast.

\[r_{Contrast} = \sqrt{\frac{t^2}{t^2+{df}}}\]

