University of Amsterdam
12 oct 2022
Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) is a general linear model which blends ANOVA and regression. ANCOVA evaluates whether population means of a dependent variable (DV) are equal across levels of a categorical independent variable (IV) often called a treatment, while statistically controlling for the effects of other continuous variables that are not of primary interest, known as covariates (CV).
Determine main effect while correcting for covariate
A covariate is a variable can be a confounding variable biasing your results. By adding a covariate we reduce error/residual in the model.
We want to test the difference in national extraversion but want to controll for openness to experience.
# Simulate data
n = 20
k = 3
group = round(runif(n,1,k),0)
mu.covar = 8
sigma.covar = 1
covar = round(rnorm(n,mu.covar,sigma.covar),2)
# Create dummy variables
dummy.1 <- ifelse(group == 2, 1, 0)
dummy.2 <- ifelse(group == 3, 1, 0)
# Set parameters
b.0 = 15 # initial value for group 1
b.1 = 3 # difference between group 1 and 2
b.2 = 4 # difference between group 1 and 3
b.3 = 3 # Weight for covariate
# Create error
error = rnorm(n,0,1)
\({outcome} = {model} + {error}\) \({model} = {indvar} + {covariate} = {nationality} + {openness}\)
Formal model
\(b_0 + b_1 {dummy}_1 + b_2 {dummy}_2 + b_3 covar\)
What are the beta coëfficients based on the data without the covariate?
lm(formula = outcome ~ factor(group), data = data)
(Intercept) factor(group)2 factor(group)3
38.670 3.496 5.128
factor(group)2 factor(group)3
42.16625 43.79800
\({Dutch} = 38.67 \> {German} = 42.16625 \> {Belgian} = 43.798\)
What is the weight of only the covariate?
lm(formula = outcome ~ factor(group) + covar, data = data)
(Intercept) factor(group)2 factor(group)3 covar
15.965 2.769 4.181 2.881
factor(group)2 factor(group)3
18.73401 20.14609
\({Dutch} = 15.96 \> {German} = 18.73 \> {Belgian} = 20.14\)
What is the total variance
\({MS}_{total} = s^2_{outcome} = \frac{{SS}_{outcome}}{{df}_{outcome}}\)
The model variance consists of two parts. One for the independent variable and one for the covariate. Lets first look at the independent variable.
SS.model = with(data, sum((model - grand.mean)^2))
SS.error = with(data, sum((outcome - model)^2))
# Sums of squares for individual effects
SS.model.group = with(data, sum((model.group - grand.mean)^2))
SS.model.covar = with(data, sum((model.covar - grand.mean)^2))
SS.covar = SS.model - SS.model.group; SS.covar ## SS.covar corrected for group
[1] 121.8463
[1] 54.65778
\(F = \frac{{MS}_{model}}{{MS}_{error}} = \frac{{SIGNAL}}{{NOISE}}\)
# Add dummy variables
data$dummy.1 <- ifelse(data$group == 2, 1, 0)
data$dummy.2 <- ifelse(data$group == 3, 1, 0)
# b coefficients
b.cov = fit$coefficients["covar"]; b.int = fit$coefficients["(Intercept)"]
b.2 = fit$coefficients["factor(group)2"]; b.3 = fit$coefficients["factor(group)3"]
# Adjustment factor for the means of the independent variable
data$mean.adj <- with(data, b.int + b.cov * mean(covar) + b.2 * dummy.1 + b.3 * dummy.2)
aggregate(mean.adj ~ group, data, mean)
group mean.adj
1 1 39.18576
2 2 41.95576
3 3 43.36576
b.0 = 15 # initial value for group 1
b.1 = 3 # difference between group 1 and 2
b.2 = 4 # difference between group 1 and 3
b.3 = 3 # Weight for covariate
cbind(m.covar = mu.covar*3,
BETA = c(b.0, b.0+b.1, b.0+b.2),
sum = mu.covar*3 + c(b.0, b.0+b.1, b.0+b.2))
m.covar BETA sum
[1,] 24 15 39
[2,] 24 18 42
[3,] 24 19 43
Scientific & Statistical Reasoning